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Summer Rock Pool Adventures
- Activity Holiday Camp
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Come along to explore the weird and wonderful wildlife of Falmouth’s rocky shores, and learn about the importance of the sea for all life on Earth and learn how to identify our local wildlife. We’ll also provide an hour of exercise and a delicious, healthy lunch at the Princess Pavilion in Falmouth.
We provide a rock pool theme activity booklet, which is great for all ages. This includes colouring marine species, word search's, dot-to-dot, quiz for identifying rock pool species and much more!
These events are suitable for all youngsters (5-16) with an interest in or desire to learn more about our local beaches and their amazing wildlife. The Rockpool Project team is knowledgeable and enthusiastic and sure to find something to ignite your imagination about the world beneath the waves! Parent and guardians are welcome to join in too!
All our staff are DBS checked, first aid trained and highly experienced at leading these sessions.
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