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Multi Activity Holiday club
- Activity Holiday Camp
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LJD Coaching Limited offers a variety of activities designed for children of all ages, aiming to keep them active and engaged during school holiday. There will be a mix of multi-sport activities (Football, Nerf Wars, Archery, Dodgeball, Tennis to name some), music, Lego, arts and crafts. The focus is on creating a fun, inclusive environment where children can make friends, develop new skills, and enjoy a range of activities.
Included is a free hot meal at lunch time if required and a light breakfast at the start of the day. If you wish to provide your child with their own pack lunch please do but also be aware we are a NUT FREE site. Fruit snack will also be available throughout the day, please provide your child with their own drinks bottle.
Please bring appropriate clothing to suit the weather at this time of year, including wearing trainers as we will be inside and outside for activities. Your child must bring their own drinks bottle with water or squash no fizzy drinks and please when booking inform us of any allergies, medical needs or support your child may require so we can ensure they have the best possible experience.
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