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St John's, Wellington Multisports
- Multi Fitness
- Group Exercise
Min. Age
Max. Age
Our Multisports camp offers your child the chance to experience a range of sports in a fun filled way and is a great way for your child to build confidence and improve their well-being. Sports include: Football, Dodgeball, Cricket, Rounders, Tag-Rugby, Benchball plus many more organized sporting activities. Children will also participate in seasonal craft activities and enrichment around nutrition and healthy living.
Who can attend this camp?
This camp is open to those children aged 4-11 who are actually attending Primary School at the moment and to those aged 11 in Year 7 of Secondary School. We do not accept children who are 4, but not yet in their reception year.
What should my child wear/bring to camp?
Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for both indoor and outdoor games, trainers will be required. Children will participate in activities outside and on grass. Please provide warm outdoor clothing.
Children must bring a water bottle which will be refilled when needed.
A hot meal and snacks (fruit) are provided each day. They are welcome to bring their own snacks in addition if they would like.
You will be asked within the booking form to order your child’s lunch.
Please ensure you notify us of any allergies/dietary requirements as we are able to provide alternatives which would be suitable.
Where is the registration point?
At the school gate, accessible via the car park.
What are the parking facilities?
Short stay drop off and collection parking available outside the school
What is the disabled access?
Access all on one level.
Who do I email if I have a question?
Hello@inspiredschools.co.uk (our office hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm)
What number can I phone if I have a question?
The camp telephone number at St John's is 07955338299, this line will be active during camp opening hours.
The office telephone number is 07494 175299 should you have any queries regarding booking etc. (office hours 9.00am-3.00pm, only but you can text or leave a voicemail message outside these times).
What specialist provision will you have for SEND and how should families access this?
Inspired Schools do not have 1:1 support staff available at our holiday camps so if your child has an EHCP or is receiving 1:1 support at school, then you do need to get in contact with us to fully discuss their needs well in advance of attending camp so that we can make recommendations to ensure that your child has the best experience with us at camp.
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