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Fit, Fed and Read: Ascot Road
- Multi Fitness
- Group Exercise
Min. Age
Max. Age
Time: 10:00 - 15:00
Venue: Ascot Road Community Free School, Ascot Road, Watford WD18 8AD
Join our coaches for an incredible February Half Term of Fit, Fed & Read at Ascot Road School!
Running from Monday to Friday from 10am until 3pm throughout February Half Term (13th – 17th February 2023), you'll take part in lots of team games and activities, sports, themed crafts, outdoor scavenger hunt fun, plus enjoy visits from, Herts Fire and Rescue, Hertfordshire Constabulary and Hertfordshire Libraries, while keeping active and enjoying a tasty two-course lunch every day! If your child requires additional support, please speak to us before booking their space. While we endeavour to include everyone, we are unable to provide specific 121 support at Fit, Fed & Read. The more we know about your child's needs, the more rewarding we can make their experience with us. Children must be between 8 – 11.
Code of Conduct
In making a booking for Fit Fed & Read, parents/ guardians and children agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct:
- The children are expected to have regard for their own and others’ safety and well-being
- The children should actively participate in the lead activities during their time at Fit Fed & Read.
- The children must follow the instructions of the Fit, Fed & Read staff, or the professionals leading the activities, and always respect the rules and regulations of the camp.
- The children are expected to respect their own and other people’s property.
- The children are expected to help one-another and ask an adult for help if needed.
- The children will be encouraged to treat everyone with Respect, accepting differences of race, gender, ability, age and religion.
- The children and parents/guardians are expected to be polite and respectful towards the Fit, Fed & Read staff; and should always exercise Self-Control.
- Bullying, Prejudice, Violence or Bad Language will not be tolerated.
Any children who ignore the code of conduct will be initially asked to follow said code, and, if behaviour is repeated, may be asked to leave the setting. Staff will work with parents/ guardians to ensure all children have an equal opportunity to be included within the setting and be supported to make positive choices during their time at Fit, Fed & Read. If a child has a special educational need or disability (SEND) that may affect their understanding or ability to action this code of conduct, it is essential that this is declared at the time of booking. SEND information, including details of support the child has at home or school, should be added to the booking form or emailed to the organisers - fitfedandread@herts.ac.uk
What's for lunch?
Monday – Pork Sausage and Mash or Italian Pasta Bake (V)
Tuesday – Mac and Cheese or Vegan Chilli (VE)
Wednesday – Roast Beef or Quorn Fillet (V)
Thursday – Make your own session! Burger (Vegge too) with potato wedges and coleslaw
Friday – Fish and Chips or Pizza and Chips (V)
Where is the registration point?
Ascot Road Community Free School, Ascot Road, Watford WD18 8AD. The registration point will be sign posted with our Herts Sports Partnership signs at the entrance of the school.
What are the parking facilities?
Parking is available onsite.
What is the disabled access?
Disabled access and toilets are available.
What should I bring to the session?
Weather appropriate clothing, any medication required and if food is brought in by children - this must all be nut free.
Who do I email if I have a question?
What number can I phone if I have a question?
01707 28 4229
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