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Time2Move Activity Club - Falmouth
- Multisports
Min. Age
Max. Age
These Time2Move Activity Clubs are a great chance for Primary School aged children to try multiple new activities in a fun and friendly environment.
These sessions are free to all via funding from Healthy Cornwall.
The Activity Clubs in Falmouth will run every Tuesday during Term Time, in the Spring Term (7th January - 1st April 2025) and the Summer Term (29th April - 22nd July 2025).
Activities your child may get the chance to partake in during these sessions include:
• Soft Archery/Crossbows
• Nerf Battles
• Laser Tag
• Basketball
• Multi-sports
• Football
• Kin Ball
• Ultimate Frisbee
• Dodgeball
Meeting/Drop-off Point: School Main Reception.
Clothing & Footwear: Please ensure suitable clothing and footwear is worn for sporting activities and that all loose jewellery is removed.
Drink: Please bring plenty of water to keep hydrated.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Email: clubs@dtcoaching.co.uk
Phone: 01872 306730
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